Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan
Click button below to read South Carolina Human Service Providers Association’s strategic plan.
Goals & Objectives
Goal: Improve Organizational Capacity
- 1. Engage all members to become more actively involved
Goal: Provide quality training, engagement, and networking opportunities
- 1. Plan and Execute the SCHSPA Annual Conference
- 2. Organize One Day Training Workshops (HR, Finance, Executive Director)
- 3. Support Counter-Part Meetings as needed (Residential, Day, Case Management, Early Intervention, Finance, Quality Assurance)
- 4. Membership Growth (2 new members) & continue to increase Social Media Presence
- 5. Organize Leadership training for Mid-Level Supervisors
- 6. Enhance personal growth and development of Executive Directors
1. Be the Lead organization for South Carolina in becoming a Tech First State
2. Effectively collaborate with SCDHHS and SCDDSN in improving rate payments and implementing the CMS Access Rule
- 1. Establish ongoing data - informed communication with SCDHHS to increase/monitor rates and amend waivers to expand enabling technology usage
- 2. Increase/Strengthen Association’s Legislative Profile (Statewide & Locally)
- 3. Continue to explore technology oriented community program alternatives
- 4. Continue to collaborate with SCDDSN to ensure provider concerns are addressed
- 5. Focused committee to work with the General Assembly on “Restructuring" if needed
DHHS AD HOC Committee
Goal: Establish ongoing data - informed communication with SCDHHS to increase/monitor rates and amend waivers to expand enabling technology use
- 1. Continue routine SCDHHS contact on a quarterly schedule as a maintenance goal
- 2. Collaborate with SCDHHS to establish a proactive approach to rate setting for various service types (i.e. CM, MTCM, Vocational/Day)
- 3. Collaborate with SCDHHS to become transportation providers via Modivcare
- 4. Collaborate with SCDHHS to update/revise Waiver definitions to facilitate enabling technology for people supported
- 5. Continue discussions on ICF Direct Billing
General Assembly Outreach AD HOC Committee
Goal: Increase/Strengthen Association’s Legislative Profile (Statewide and Locally)
- 1. Execute a Legislative Breakfast ( February 19, 2025)
- 2. Execute a Cocktail hour with members of the General Assembly
- 3. Continue ZOOM and Q & A with targeted legislators during Association meetings periodically (Target 3x per year)
- 4. Develop and implement periodic legislative information bulletins for distribution locally by ED’s
- 5. Monitor and Influence Legislation affecting the provider network
Telehealth & Technology AD HOC
Goal: Continue to explore technology - oriented community program alternatives
- 1. Implement a pilot project to gather data driven impacts of enabling technology for people supported (target January 2025)
- 2. Proceed with delivering webinars to educate stakeholders regarding the benefits of enabling technology (5 webinars from September 2024 through January 2025)
- 3. Develop plans for a Regional Technology Summit - (planning group to start work March 2025 with the Summit to be held January - March 2026)
- 4. Develop and influence programs (with the General Assembly group) to move legsilation declaring South Carolina a Technology First State
- 5. Develop a position paper to support needed changes to waiver definitions to support the concept of Technology 1st
- 6. Continue discussion with the South Carolina Nursing Board/Association regarding nursing oversight using technology and explore expanding the scope of UAP's (DSP's)
- 7. Develop a checklist of changes to be made in the waiver to share with SCDHHS and SCDDSN
DDSN Communication AD HOC Committee
Goal: Continue to collaborate with SCDDSN to ensure provider concerns are addressed
- 1. Participate in Provider Focused Meetings hosted by DDSN, ensuring questions/concerns are submitted in advance
- 2. Facilitate open dialogue regarding implementation of the Access rule
- 3. Collaborate with SCDDSN on the criminal background check process to avoid provider delays in the hiring of staff (will coordinate with the General Assembly group on changes to SC Legislation/Laws)
Goal: If needed, focused committee to work with House and Senate members on restructuring.
- 1. Develop an educational information packet for legislators/aides to better explain the function of local DSN boards
- 2. With the assistance of the Southern Group, develop information for providers to take to local legislators to educate on any impacts of restructuring