Member Benefits

Eligibility for membership shall be limited to organizations that have been approved to provide services by the South Carolina Disabilities and Special Needs (SCDDSN) who provide direct services for people with autism spectrum disorder, head and spinal cord injuries, intellectual disabilities, and those with similar or related disabilities and who have a contract with SCDDSN, SCDHHS or both.

SCHSP Members are entitled to:

The designated representative of a member organization in good standing has the right to vote and hold office on the SCHSPA Board of Directors or a Regional Representative position.

Agencies and service providers must confirm their willingness to adhere to the SCHSPA constitution and by-laws and a professional standard of conduct. Agencies and service providers must maintain their membership eligibility through the payment of annual dues which are set by the Board of Directors annually.

Agencies and service providers that have their privilege to provide services to persons with disabilities revoked by a governmental licensing or certification agency may lose their eligibility for full membership in SCHSPA.

Dues are calculated as depicted in the dues table based on an
organization’s total revenue related to the delivery of support and services to people with disabilities.

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